Trading signals

Trading signals



🔔 Yield Hunters reorganizes DEGEN FARMER model portfolio to move to portfolio management 2:

BLAST network address 2 3 4

-dismantled the pool on ambient
-closed each lending/borrowing position on init capital.
-withdrawn liquidity from synfutures.
-sent everything back to address 1
-bridged everything back to arbitrum (address1)

Arbitrum network:

– sent all asset to address 1
– from now on we will work with just address 1

Assets on cex

-any remaining assets on coincall are brought to address 1 arbitrum network.
-FXS remains in holding

Assets on IBC

– DYM and TIA remain in staking. the portfolio will sell staking rewards for usdc whenever their value reaches $25
-Airdrops NIM and MANDE already arrived were sold for usdc

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