Trading signals
Trading signals BigFi apporta una modifica all’asset allocation del portafoglio modello Cassettista: – Acquistando con l’1% del totale di portafoglio, EBRD 23/11/2026 14,2% TRY – MOT (ISIN: XS2408944242). Al prezzo di mercato. — BigFi makes a change to the asset allocation of the Cassettista model portfolio: – Buying with 1% of the total portfolio, […]
Trading signals
Trading signals BigFi apporta una modifica all’asset allocation del portafoglio modello EverGreen: – Riducendo del 100% la posizione su Xtrackers Physical Silver ETC (EUR) (ISIN: DE000A1E0HS6). Al prezzo di mercato. Inoltre, apporta una modifica anche all’asset allocation del portafoglio modello Mercante di Venezia: – Riducendo del 100% la posizione su Wisdomtree Physical Silver (ISIN: JE00B1VS3333). […]
Trading signals
Trading signals BigFi apporta una modifica all’asset allocation del portafoglio modello Global Titans: – Riducendo del 100% la posizione su Apple (ISIN: US0378331005). Al prezzo di mercato. Sul Nasdaq. —- BigFi makes a change to the asset allocation of the Global Titans model portfolio: – Reducing the position in Apple (ISIN: US0378331005) […]
Trading signals
Trading signals Yield Hunters makes an asset allocation change on the HONEST FARMER model portfolio: – removed liquidity from all Uni V3 pool– created a new pool for Eth/Usdc with same top and bottom just under the current price. bottom 2050 top 4400– deposited all Wbtc on compound as collateral and borrowed Usdt. […]
Trading signals
Trading signals Yield Hunters makes an asset allocation change on the DEGEN FARMER model portfolio:– withdrawn liquidity from Wbtc Usdc pool– added wbtc as a collateral on Compound — DISCLAIMERI contenuti del seguente sito hanno esclusivamente scopo informativo e non costituiscono un’offerta di vendita, una richiesta di acquisto o una raccomandazione per l’esecuzione […]
Trading signals
Trading signals BigFi apporta una modifica all’asset allocation del portafoglio modello Global Titans: – Riducendo del 100% la posizione su Nvidia Corporation (ISIN: US67066G1040). Al prezzo di mercato. Sul Nasdaq. — BigFi makes a change to the asset allocation of the Global Titans model portfolio: – Reducing the position on Nvidia Corporation (ISIN: US67066G1040) by […]
Trading signals
Trading signals BigFi apporta una modifica all’asset allocation del portafoglio modello EverGreen: – Riducendo la posizione del 33% su WisdomTree Physical Gold (ISIN: JE00B1VS3770). Al prezzo di mercato. — BigFi makes a change to the asset allocation of the EverGreen model portfolio: – Reducing position by 33% on WisdomTree Physical Gold (ISIN: JE00B1VS3770). At the […]
Trading signals
Trading signals BigFi apporta una modifica all’asset allocation del portafoglio modello Global Titans: – Acquistando con l’1,25% del totale di portafoglio, Novo Nordisk (ISIN: US6701002056). Al prezzo di mercato. Sulla borsa di New York. – Acquistando con l’1,25% del totale di portafoglio, LVMH (ISIN: FR0000121014). Al prezzo di mercato sulla borsa di Parigi. — BigFi […]
Trading signals
Trading signals Yield Hunters makes an asset allocation change on the DEGEN FARMER model portfolio:– claimed Spell rewards on Abracadabra, swapped in Usdt, repaid Compound debt– claimed and compounded Uni V3 rewards with max Btc and needed Usdc– swapped the remaining Usdc and the Pendle and Mim dust in Wbtc and added as […]
Trading signals
Trading signals Yield Hunters makes an asset allocation change on the HONEST FARMER model portfolio:– Deposited airdropped Atone on osmosis and sold for usdc– removed liquidity from Milktia – Tia pool on osmosis and staked the available Tia– on redeem stTIA for Tia (when available, now it’s not working) and stDYDX for […]