Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation Portfolio starting capital: EUR 1 million BigBit Asset Allocation Portfolio is BUYING for 30% of actual portfolio amount Gold at no more than EUR 1715/oz (ETFs are allowed, i.e. PHAU.MI, but the reference price will be gold price in ounces). BigBit Asset Allocation Portfolio is BUYING for 10% of actual portfolio amount Silver […]

Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation Portfolio starting capital: EUR 1 million BigBit Asset Allocation Portfolio is BUYING for 30% of actual portfolio amount Gold at no more than EUR 1715/oz (ETFs are allowed, i.e. PHAU.MI, but the reference price will be gold price in ounces). BigBit Asset Allocation Portfolio is BUYING for 10% of actual portfolio amount Silver […]

Trading signals

BigBit GOLD portfolio is BUYING for 6% of actual portfolio amount Bitcoin (BTC) at no more than USD 17700 BigBit GOLD portfolio is BUYING for 6% of actual portfolio amount Ethereum (ETH) at no more than USD 1320 BigBit GOLD portfolio is BUYING for 1.5% of actual portfolio amount Algorand (ALGO) at no more than […]

Trading signal (SOL)

BigBit GOLD portfolio is BUYING for 1.5% of actual portfolio amount Solana (SOL) at no more than USD 37 Order GTC —  

Trading signal (LINK)

BigBit GOLD portfolio is CANCELING the Sell Stop order on Chainlink (LINK) BigBit GOLD portfolio is SELLING 20% of Chainlink (LINK) position at no less than USD 8.15 Order GTC. —  

Trading signal (MATIC)

BigBit GOLD portfolio is BUYING for 2.5% of actual portfolio amount (almost all the available liquidity) Polygon (MATIC) at no more than USD 0.95 Order GTC —  

Trading signals

Bigbit Crypto Gold is setting Stop Loss orders; STOP SELL 50% of LINK position at USD 7.10 STOP SELL 20% of BTC position at USD 19400 STOP SELL 20% of ETH position at USD 1360 Orders GTC. —  

Trading signal (LINK)

BigBit GOLD portfolio is BUYING for 13% of actual portfolio amount Chainlink (LINK) at no more than USD 7.20 Order GTC —  

Trading signals

BigBit GOLD portfolio is BUYING for 10% of actual portfolio amount Bitcoin (BTC) at no more than USD 19600 BigBit GOLD portfolio is BUYING for 10% of actual portfolio amount Ethereum (ETH) at no more than USD 1350 Orders GTC —  

N.48 – Weekly Live – Gioved

Caro Hunter, ti ricordiamo l'appuntamento con la LIVE settimanale, Giovedí 20/10/2022, ore 21:00 CEST  (Add to your Calendar) In questa puntata ripasseremo un po’ le basi su IBC e sui relativi protocolli: vedremo innanzitutto come raggiungere l’ecosistema cosmos hub e poi come interagire con le piattaforme principali (osmosis, junoswap, shade protocol, crescent, ecc). Seguiranno considerazioni generali sui […]