Trading signals

Trading signals     Yield Hunters makes an asset allocation change on the HONEST FARMER model portfolio: – removed liquidity from all Uni V3 pool– created a new pool for Eth/Usdc with same top and bottom just under the current price. bottom 2050 top 4400– deposited all Wbtc on compound as collateral and borrowed Usdt. […]

Trading signals

Trading signals     Yield Hunters makes an asset allocation change on the HONEST FARMER model portfolio:– Deposited airdropped Atone on osmosis and sold for usdc– removed liquidity from Milktia – Tia pool on osmosis and staked the available Tia– on redeem stTIA for Tia (when available, now it’s not working) and stDYDX for […]

Trading signals

Trading signals     Yield Hunters makes an asset allocation change on the HONEST FARMER model portfolio:   -claimed VENUS, UNI V3 and ABRACADABRA REWARDS and swapped all for USDC-bridged enough usdc to optimism to bring collateral ratio on SNX at minimum 500%-swapped bridged USDC in SUSD on CURVE-burned susd on all available USDC […]

Trading signals

Trading signals     Yield Hunters makes an asset allocation change on the HONEST FARMER model portfolio:  -exited from Pendle pool Mux lp-exited from Mux LP in USDC-lowered bottom to 91.8k to all pool WBTC USDC in Uni V3 keeping the same top levels-deposited all available usdc in MIM-USDC on ABRACADABRA pool and staked it […]

Trading signals

Trading signals     Yield Hunters makes an asset allocation change on the HONEST FARMER model portfolio:    -sold all OP for SNX. ‍— DISCLAIMERI contenuti del seguente sito hanno esclusivamente scopo informativo e non costituiscono un’offerta di vendita, una richiesta di acquisto o una raccomandazione per l’esecuzione di un investimento in criptovalute. Prima della […]

Trading signals

Trading signals     Yield Hunters makes an asset allocation change on the HONEST FARMER model portfolio:    -closed position on SILO- (Optimism chain)step 1: witdrawn ETH on VELO marketstep 2: repay ETH debt on Optimism Marketsstep 3: withdrawn OP fro lending.-minted max available sUSD-swapped for USDC and deposited-staked on CRVUSD-USDC pool-claimed all CRV reward […]

Trading signals

Trading signals     Yield Hunters makes an asset allocation change on the HONEST FARMER model portfolio:     – swapped all POL (spared something for gas) and STMATIC in AAVE on 1INCH and bridged all to ARBITRUM chain using JUMPER via ACROSS route– supplied available AAVE on ARBITRUM as collateral on AAVE– withdrawn from JITOSOL-SOL […]

Trading signals

Trading signals     Yield Hunters makes an asset allocation change on the HONEST FARMER model portfolio:   – withdrawn liquidity from all GMX POOLS: LINK, AAVE, UNI– supplied LINK on AAVE,when there is availability supply AAVE on AAVE as a collateral ( at the moment cap is reached)-with available BTC and USDC created 2 […]

Trading signals

Trading signals     Yield Hunters makes an asset allocation change on the HONEST FARMER model portfolio:   – withdrawn WBTC from COMPOUND lending.– claimed COMP reward sand swapped for WBTC– claimed SPELL rewards and swapped for gmx– claimed XVS rewards and swapped for gmx– delegated GMX to my self, and staked all ‍— DISCLAIMERI […]

Trading signals

Trading signals   Yield Hunters makes an asset allocation change on the HONEST FARMER model portfolio:    -witdrawn GHO from lending -partially repaid GHO debt with wallet balance– fully repaid GHO debt with usdc collateral. ‍— DISCLAIMERI contenuti del seguente sito hanno esclusivamente scopo informativo e non costituiscono un’offerta di vendita, una richiesta di acquisto […]